Hello Boys and Girls and Happy, Merry Holidays! It has been so busy lately and we are getting ready to say good-bye to another year. They do go by faster and faster don’t they….or is it just me? Gommy just loves this time of the year. So many more peeps are willing to accept the magic of believing. You can feel it in the air. Right along with good cheer towards each other.
There are still the Henny Pennys who love to predict that the sky is falling. And there are still those grump-buckets who seem to relish in drama and other peoples’ misfortunes. And then there are the politicians who are supposed to represent us….but are more interested in making us divisive. UGH! But I say poo-poo on your head to them. The best weapon against those who don’t wish us well…..is to live happily ever after. It will sooooo bug the crap out of them! LOL
There is also the sentiment that the ‘End of the World’ is near (according to the misinterpreted, IMHO, Mayan Calendar boo yah yah and blah, blah, blah). Really? Again with the Y2K bologna? It didn’t happen then…..so why think it will happen in 2012? Why do some people just want to see this wonderful world come to an end? Geesh…..
I prefer to think that the only things that will come to an end in 2012…. is the end of doomsday thinking or the way we think that something wonderful can’t happen. How about instead, realizing that we really do have all we ever need in this world. Believe that being happy for someone else’s good fortune doesn’t take away from anything we have ourselves. Remember that when others do well…. we can all benefit from the atmosphere of good vibes and well wishes. Even if it is just feeling good about yourself for being able to feel happy for the other person. How about being satisfied with what we have….and not looking over your shoulder for what you think you don’t have? That is the secret to being truly happy. There are so many things in our lives that we take for granted every day that are really gifts of grace from God. And not appreciating them is like being disrespectful for the wonder that they are. Look around peeps….there are things everywhere to be thankful for. And one day….you will realize that all those little things you took for granted or the people you took for granted….WERE the important things.
Of course, there are some who are having hard times….but we all have the capacity to believe our way into better times. It has happened before when things seemed sooooo dismal in the World. It CAN happen if we wish it to happen. But if we just wallow in sad and bad thoughts about our lot in life….we have given up hope. And when there is no hope…it does seem bleak. But the good news is….There is ALWAYS hope. Someone said once, “If you think you can…..you are half-way there.”
So here is Gommys’ Christmas and Holiday Poem for you. May you all have a wonderful Holiday Season and remember to give thanks for what you do have. You can do it….Gommy is pulling for you! Hugs and Mush and Happy Holidays to alllllll!
Twas the Night Before Christmas (Gommy Style)
‘Twas the night before Christmas and all through the land….
Every creature was ‘stirring’….in big pots and pans.
The women were prepping the fixins’ galore,
In hopes that the big day, could be enjoyed more.
It’s a bleak year for some,
While still others make tons.
But a New Year is coming and promised to be,
Much better for all, is my grand wish for thee.
So, break out in song and prepare for the best,
Don’t let the nay-sayers steal all of your zest.
Look to the future and the past you must leave,
No promises made, if you refuse to Believe!
Now, Dasher and Dancer and Prancer and Vixen,
And Comet and Cupid and Donner and Blitzen.
Thanks for bringing good cheer with your annual flight,
Happy Holidays to all and to all a good night!’
~ Gommy 2011~