This is the time of the year when we all make resolutions so we may look forward to a brighter, happier, slimmer, (or whatever)…..coming New Year.
I received a message today from a site that sends out daily inspirational and thought provoking emails. This particular one made me go hmmmmmmm. It started out saying that a new year is coming, so it would be a good time to wipe the slate clean….to focus upon what we really want and that we should start to chart our course in that direction. But then it went on to dispute each of those thoughts.
The first suggestion was instead of wiping the slate clean….we should just give thanks for life as it is. Because whatever has happened in the past year prepares us for what is ahead. Then for the next one about focusing….it said to define what is meant by your desired ‘end result’. This is because what we all want, we already have. We just haven’t pulled back the ‘filters’ and self-imposed roadblocks to our desires. The Bible says, “In Heaven as it is on Earth’. So, whatever we want, we already have in Heaven (Spirit). We must learn to focus on the certainty of this fact and we will see we already have ownership of our wildest desires. Then, for the last thought of charting our course, the email reminded me that all instincts and impulses that come to us, appear for us to take inspired action upon them. It’s like a little nudge from God. But we mostly don’t act on them because we feel it will seem silly or won’t go anywhere.
That got Gommy to thinking….hmmmmm. Everything that has ever happened, or has ever been invented, or each seeming miracle that has ever taken place….ANYTHING at all…..started with a thought. Thoughts do materialize into things. Into life and life experiences.
If we just sit around and wish this or that would happen in our lives….guess what? We will be sitting around a very long time, just watching everyone else who took action on their wishes and thoughts.
So, Gommy says for everyone to do something…..anything…..and know in your heart that it will happen if you believe. This is the perfect Season to feel comfortable in B-E-L-I-E-V-I-N-G. Do it. Do it now!!!! Happy New Year everyone. Make this the year we care more deeply about others, the year that we become the change we want to see in the world, the year that we love one another and the year that we fully appreciate all that we are blessed with each and every day. You can do it….Gommy is pulling for ya’ – Hugs & Mush, Gommy