Hello Boys and Girls and happy Palm Sunday to any Christian readers out there in blogland. To everyone else....just 'happy day' to you....
This is the last Sunday that Gommy will have to work on a Sunday. Hooray and hallelujah! Gommy and Grandpa Mike are pretty excited about a new development in our lives. Goms is going to be working as Grandpa's assistant, at the golf course where Grandpa works. We have been Blessed in that Grandpa has procured so much business in his job as Sales Director, that he needs someone to help with the mountainous details and paperwork that comes with all that business. Voile'.....Gommy to the rescue....But to be honest...it was really Grandpa to the rescue of Gommy. Now Gommy will not have to work nights or weekends or Holidays any longer and Grandpa and I will have a 'normal' life again with supper together and collaborating on the daily business tasks as we have done in the past when we owned our own golf course for ten years. The added bonus this time around though, is that we don't have to worry about the rest of the zillions of things you have to worry about as an owner. It is much less stressful to go out and 'get' the business. Grandpa can do that with his eyes closed and one hand tied behind his back. And Gommy is good at being 'behind the scenes' and doing all the crossing of the T's and dotting the I's for Grandpa. Go Team!!!! It is what we do and if I may say....what we do well.
Change can be very frightening for people. That is why some people stay in situations that most would wonder why in the world they are staying? But we must let go to find our happiness sometimes, if we find that isn't the case any longer where we are at the moment. You don't let go so that something good might happen. You let go to be the very best of yourself.
Many people don't have the luxury of choice. That is a sad position to be in and may explain why so many people seem so unhappy in their lives. For that reason, Gommy is very grateful. Grateful to have the option of changing something in my life that will ultimately be better for Grandpa and myself. Grateful for the Grace of God to have heard my plea. Grace is the invisible influence of the divine. With Grace, life's limitations are abolished. Evil disappears and there is nothing to fear any longer. Taking a 'leap of faith' means knowing there will be a net there for you when you do jump. Scary???? You bet....but you have to "Believe it to See it."..... not the other way around as most people live their life.
Gommy must admit, that I have asked many times in my life to bring me to 'center'...to the perfect life situation for me, or to change a situation that I no longer wanted in my life. God has always answered me and I am eternally grateful for that. We may not think we are 'getting' all that we ask for in prayer....but Goms has found that it is the 'time-frame' that confuses us. We do get what is best for us....but maybe not in the time-frame we expected. And we may get what is the best for us and not exactly what we specifically asked for. So just remember, that everything in the Universe is unfolding EXACTLY as it is supposed to happen. We may not like how things happen at times and other times we are crushed...like at the loss of a loved one. But that too, is how it is 'supposed' to be even though we don't understand how the 'plan' is unfolding at the time; if you can just go with the flow, you will eventually see, with clarity, that this is so.
So, Gommy wishes for anyone out there who is unhappy in their life situation, that they can take the 'Leap of Faith' after asking for Grace to help them find their right path in life. Instead of saying..."I must work harder for what I want"....flip it to " I must find new inspiration and a place where I am appreciated for my hard work." Instead of saying, "My dream failed"....say "I will find a dream that matches my reality"....instead of saying, "Everything in my life stinks!' , say "This too shall pass."....." because whether you are a success or a failure; the flow of life brings both realities to us, as temporary states. " (sic)
So Gommys' wish for you this week is to let go of something that isn't fulfilling to you any longer and ask for something that makes you much happier each day.....don't be afraid.....'Ask, Believe, Receive'. But the real secret is you HAVE to BELIEVE!!!!! You might just find yourself in a position that is a better fit and that you are truly appreciated for. Goms is pulling for you! Hugs and Mush to all!!!

Sunday, March 28, 2010
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Hello blog readers and good Sunday to all you boys and girls. Today Gommy wants to talk about self examination in the way that Goms wonders if I am a fraud. It was pointed out to me recently, that I don't live up to the 'wiseness' that I preach about on my blog.
Recently, I have found myself 'drowning' in my own advice. You could say that I feel like the worst kind of 'advice giver' in that I find it difficult to follow what I say we should do. I do feel as though some are just waiting to say, "Aha, caught ya'"...and that is sad...sort of like kicking a dog when he is down. But, if I dish it out, I have to be able to take it.
In a veiled explanation of Gommys' life in the past month....it feels as if the Universe is throwing everything back at me that I have ever said out there and said..."Really? How about this scenario Goms? How are you going to act when XY or Z happens big shot?" Goms isn't in a real good place right now and I know I have to dig down and reevaluate everything I have been trying to understand in the last few years since everything came tumnbling down all around Grandpa and me.
Goms has said in the past that anyone can be great when things are going good.....it is adversity that shows the real mettle of a person. Goms is trying to work on that mettle right now.
Goms has always had a really tough time watching anyone getting hurt or watching someone in an embarassing situation. I actually feel sick having to watch someone made to feel badly. That leads to another of Goms' personality traits.....I don't like...NO I HATE confrontations. Gommy would rather walk away or avoid any situation that could end in confrontation. I guess you could say Gommy is a cowardess. I guess I am guilty of that one as well.
The Facebook quote on my profile page says, "Sometimes courage doesn't always roar, sometimes courage says I will just try again tomorrow." So that is where Gommys is today folks....looking for courage.
Goms is going to share a very inspirational poem with you called "Desiderata". It was brought up to Goms recently and made me remember to re-read it and it has a wonderful message. Hope you enjoy it :
Desiderata - by Max Ehrmann
Go placidly amid the noise and haste, and remember what peace there may be in silence.
As far as possible, without surrender, be on good terms with all persons. Speak your truth quietly and clearly; and listen to others, even to the dull and the ignorant, they too have their story. Avoid loud and aggressive persons, they are vexations to the spirit.
If you compare yourself with others, you may become vain and bitter; for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself. Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans. Keep interested in your own career, however humble; it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time.
Exercise caution in your business affairs, for the world is full of trickery. But let this not blind you to what virtue there is; many persons strive for high ideals, and everywhere life is full of heroism. Be yourself. Especially, do not feign affection. Neither be cynical about love, for in the face of all aridity and disenchantment it is perennial as the grass.
Take kindly to the counsel of the years, gracefully surrendering the things of youth. Nurture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune. But do not distress yourself with imaginings. Many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness.
Beyond a wholesome discipline, be gentle with yourself. You are a child of the universe, no less than the trees and the stars; you have a right to be here. And whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should.
Therefore be at peace with God, whatever you conceive Him to be, and whatever your labors and aspirations, in the noisy confusion of life, keep peace in your soul.
With all its sham, drudgery and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world.
Be cheerful. Strive to be happy.
Max Ehrmann c.1920
Enjoy and I will leave you with those wonderful words....Gommy has some self-work to do. Be happy...Hugs and Mush, Gommy
Recently, I have found myself 'drowning' in my own advice. You could say that I feel like the worst kind of 'advice giver' in that I find it difficult to follow what I say we should do. I do feel as though some are just waiting to say, "Aha, caught ya'"...and that is sad...sort of like kicking a dog when he is down. But, if I dish it out, I have to be able to take it.
In a veiled explanation of Gommys' life in the past month....it feels as if the Universe is throwing everything back at me that I have ever said out there and said..."Really? How about this scenario Goms? How are you going to act when XY or Z happens big shot?" Goms isn't in a real good place right now and I know I have to dig down and reevaluate everything I have been trying to understand in the last few years since everything came tumnbling down all around Grandpa and me.
Goms has said in the past that anyone can be great when things are going good.....it is adversity that shows the real mettle of a person. Goms is trying to work on that mettle right now.
Goms has always had a really tough time watching anyone getting hurt or watching someone in an embarassing situation. I actually feel sick having to watch someone made to feel badly. That leads to another of Goms' personality traits.....I don't like...NO I HATE confrontations. Gommy would rather walk away or avoid any situation that could end in confrontation. I guess you could say Gommy is a cowardess. I guess I am guilty of that one as well.
The Facebook quote on my profile page says, "Sometimes courage doesn't always roar, sometimes courage says I will just try again tomorrow." So that is where Gommys is today folks....looking for courage.
Goms is going to share a very inspirational poem with you called "Desiderata". It was brought up to Goms recently and made me remember to re-read it and it has a wonderful message. Hope you enjoy it :
Desiderata - by Max Ehrmann
Go placidly amid the noise and haste, and remember what peace there may be in silence.
As far as possible, without surrender, be on good terms with all persons. Speak your truth quietly and clearly; and listen to others, even to the dull and the ignorant, they too have their story. Avoid loud and aggressive persons, they are vexations to the spirit.
If you compare yourself with others, you may become vain and bitter; for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself. Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans. Keep interested in your own career, however humble; it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time.
Exercise caution in your business affairs, for the world is full of trickery. But let this not blind you to what virtue there is; many persons strive for high ideals, and everywhere life is full of heroism. Be yourself. Especially, do not feign affection. Neither be cynical about love, for in the face of all aridity and disenchantment it is perennial as the grass.
Take kindly to the counsel of the years, gracefully surrendering the things of youth. Nurture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune. But do not distress yourself with imaginings. Many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness.
Beyond a wholesome discipline, be gentle with yourself. You are a child of the universe, no less than the trees and the stars; you have a right to be here. And whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should.
Therefore be at peace with God, whatever you conceive Him to be, and whatever your labors and aspirations, in the noisy confusion of life, keep peace in your soul.
With all its sham, drudgery and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world.
Be cheerful. Strive to be happy.
Max Ehrmann c.1920
Enjoy and I will leave you with those wonderful words....Gommy has some self-work to do. Be happy...Hugs and Mush, Gommy
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Fire the Teachers???
How ridiculous....Gommy saw that heading on a very prestigious magazine recently and thought how absurd that thought was. That is the problem with the schools today....everyone blames the teachers and they don't put the responsibility where it belongs...AT HOME WITH THE PARENTS! Bad parenting is the real culprit.
'Back in the day'....parents were involved with their children's every movement and every moment. Now, this obviously doesn't apply to all those hard working parents who are active in their child's academics. Those are the parents who work all day, come home and fix dinner, help with homework, go to the Parent/Teacher meetings, volunteer at the school functions, etc....WHEW!.... and never really get the accolades they so well deserve. But they do get the reward of good children who are self assured and can take care of themselves when they grow up!
In the olden days, well-to-do people had Nannies to watch their children. But the other task of the Nanny was to see to the education of the child as well. Today, the Nanny is the care-giver who watches your child while you are at work and if you aren't wealthy enough to afford a Nanny or you just aren't that involved in your child's' life......guess who the Nanny of the 21st Century is????? TV and all the trash your kids are subjected to when they are left to themselves, i.e. Jerry Springer, MTV, This or That Rap Singers' Crib...or the new role models...Keeping up with the Kardashians. Wow...how special! These are the shows your kids are watching when you aren't watching. S-C-A-R-Y!!!!!
Goms heard someone say that they were told, "How do you know? You don't even have kids?" And their reply was, "I don't have a fish either, but I know not to fill the tank with Mountain Dew!!!".
When was the last time your young child observed you reading anything besides the text on your cell phone? It is well documented that children who are brought up in a home where books are important do much better academically. It doesn't even matter if your child goes to a public or a private school. They do better when the parent is involved and have been read to when they were infants and young children. Even if you don't think they can understand what you are reading, they are absorbing the cadence of language and it will help them with their reading when they do recognize the words on the page.
Oh for the days when something besides a bill came in the mail. Goms fondly remembers getting letters and notes or cards in the mail. Now, we get our communication over the Internet or on our cell phones. Speech will be the next thing that is extinct. People don't even want to talk to each other any more. They would rather email or text their thoughts to other people. Language is already disappearing. Laugh out loud is being replaced with LOL, etc. Does it take too much time to SAY or write "Laugh My A_ _ Off"? REALLY????
Your children are like sponges. They pick up everything you do and say (or don't say). It is the same with their education...if you don't seem to give a hoot....then why should they? It is always easier to put the blame on others...but the reality is that your child's education begins at home. Try on a little 'Mea Culpa' and see how honest you are with yourself. Try helping these underpaid teachers out by expecting your child to respect (remember that concept?) their teachers. Every parent should be expected to teach a class in todays' environment. I think things would change quickly if they saw what the teacher of today has to contend with.
So, have a nice Sunday folks. And Gommy hopes it includes some quality time with your family. It's the only one you have and will ever get. Family is like a bank......what you put into it is what you have to enjoy some day when it is time to withdraw what you have saved....if you put enough into it.....you'll even have some dividends one day. Hugs and Mush...Gommy
'Back in the day'....parents were involved with their children's every movement and every moment. Now, this obviously doesn't apply to all those hard working parents who are active in their child's academics. Those are the parents who work all day, come home and fix dinner, help with homework, go to the Parent/Teacher meetings, volunteer at the school functions, etc....WHEW!.... and never really get the accolades they so well deserve. But they do get the reward of good children who are self assured and can take care of themselves when they grow up!
In the olden days, well-to-do people had Nannies to watch their children. But the other task of the Nanny was to see to the education of the child as well. Today, the Nanny is the care-giver who watches your child while you are at work and if you aren't wealthy enough to afford a Nanny or you just aren't that involved in your child's' life......guess who the Nanny of the 21st Century is????? TV and all the trash your kids are subjected to when they are left to themselves, i.e. Jerry Springer, MTV, This or That Rap Singers' Crib...or the new role models...Keeping up with the Kardashians. Wow...how special! These are the shows your kids are watching when you aren't watching. S-C-A-R-Y!!!!!
Goms heard someone say that they were told, "How do you know? You don't even have kids?" And their reply was, "I don't have a fish either, but I know not to fill the tank with Mountain Dew!!!".
When was the last time your young child observed you reading anything besides the text on your cell phone? It is well documented that children who are brought up in a home where books are important do much better academically. It doesn't even matter if your child goes to a public or a private school. They do better when the parent is involved and have been read to when they were infants and young children. Even if you don't think they can understand what you are reading, they are absorbing the cadence of language and it will help them with their reading when they do recognize the words on the page.
Oh for the days when something besides a bill came in the mail. Goms fondly remembers getting letters and notes or cards in the mail. Now, we get our communication over the Internet or on our cell phones. Speech will be the next thing that is extinct. People don't even want to talk to each other any more. They would rather email or text their thoughts to other people. Language is already disappearing. Laugh out loud is being replaced with LOL, etc. Does it take too much time to SAY or write "Laugh My A_ _ Off"? REALLY????
Your children are like sponges. They pick up everything you do and say (or don't say). It is the same with their education...if you don't seem to give a hoot....then why should they? It is always easier to put the blame on others...but the reality is that your child's education begins at home. Try on a little 'Mea Culpa' and see how honest you are with yourself. Try helping these underpaid teachers out by expecting your child to respect (remember that concept?) their teachers. Every parent should be expected to teach a class in todays' environment. I think things would change quickly if they saw what the teacher of today has to contend with.
So, have a nice Sunday folks. And Gommy hopes it includes some quality time with your family. It's the only one you have and will ever get. Family is like a bank......what you put into it is what you have to enjoy some day when it is time to withdraw what you have saved....if you put enough into it.....you'll even have some dividends one day. Hugs and Mush...Gommy
Saturday, March 6, 2010
Pure Potentiality
Goms is going 'deep' today.....so put on your thinking caps and really 'see' all there is to 'see' in the world. The idea of 'Pure Potentiality' is really just 'Pure Consciousness". Now don't go all woo-woo on Goms and give me that glazed over stare. Pure consciousness is actually quite relaxing and calming and puts everything in perspective. It is as easy as just breathing....Yes, Goms said breathing. But not the kind we do mindlessly. Goms means the intent, focused breathing that will actually bring down a person's blood pressure. Sometimes when we are soooo very stressed, we do a deep breath or a sigh just because our bodies know that is what is needed at that moment. Some people refer to it as 'letting off steam' or 'venting' (which is really letting off steam.....sort of redundant huh?).
When we take the time to breathe and to notice all that nature (God) has given us....we are giving ourselves the greatest gift.....or re-gifting what God has given to us all. Just calming the mind and allowing ourselves to 'not think' is a release of so many toxic thoughts that we tell ourselves every day. Over 90% of what we tell ourselves in our mind ('monkey-talk') is negative thoughts. YIKES.....stop it boys and girls. You are killing yourselves. Stress kills and by being so negative with your thoughts, you are providing hours and hours of stressful thoughts to occupy your thought processes. How about thinking something pleasant or joyful? There are plenty of those memories in your memory bank....Pull those out sometimes.
If you take every opportunity that comes your way to notice and commune with nature by witnessing the intelligence within every living thing, (and there are many) i.e. stopping at a traffic light and noticing the breeze gently moving a branch on a tree, waiting for an appointment and really noticing the leaves on the potted plant in the corner, going outside to your car to go to work and appreciating the green grass in the yard, coming home from work (even if it is late at night....when was the last time you looked up into the sky and noticed the beautiful twinkling stars or the gorgeous moon?) etc........ If you take the time, you will notice the beautiful sunrises or sunsets, birds flying gracefully in the sky, ponds, the sounds of a rippling stream, the ocean, the pretty landscaped yard you pass each day on your way to and from places, or smell the beautiful fragrance of a flower......even listening to the beautiful music on your radio. How magical is that? All these things are all around us each day and most of us never 'stop' to notice them. How sad.
If you were able to ask someone who has a terminal illness if they notice any of these things, you would surely be told that they most assuredly do. They will tell you that they took all of these things for granted when they thought they would be around for a long time too, but when you are told you don't have long to live......all of a sudden, you start to notice the beauty all around you and are astonished that you didn't notice it all before and wish you had longer to enjoy it.
The same holds true as we age. We realize our own mortality and know that our years left are a lot shorter than the years we have already lived. Goms thinks that is why grandchildren are such a joy to us. We get the chance to relive the pure and unadulterated bliss that is in each child. We were too busy with our own family to enjoy them as we wish we had. We begin to enjoy all the simple things in life and know what is and what isn't important in the grand scheme of things. We re-gift many things to ourselves again and one of the most important gifts is the gift on 'non-judgement'. We see that we become more invisible as we age and although we feel the same as when we were young (mostly...) we are not 'in charge' any longer and even seem to be dismissed as insignificant to some younger people. We may remember our own ideas about how we thought of older people when we were young and know now, that our 'judgements' can change with time and circumstance and that judging others really gets you nowhere. Comparing ourselves to others or what other people have or don't have or how we look or don't look compared to others is fruitless and really is a wasted effort.
Now this part may seem very deep......but try not to 'name' anything or anyone that you see for a whole day. For example.....if you just say 'that is a tree' or 'that is a bird' or 'that is an old person'....you have dismissed and grouped an entire species or part of nature and are not allowing yourself to really observe who or what that bird, tree or old person actually is or is all about. There are Blue Jays, Parakeets, Doves, and so on. But try thinking to yourself, "That is called a bird.", instead of saying that IS a bird. The moment you group a collection of anything together, you have dismissed it and moved on; not allowing yourself or observing and enjoying the magic or pure potentiality of it or them.
If you can commue with nature and enjoy all there is around you to enjoy, you are aligning with the power that manifests everything in nature....GOD....and you will feel yourself calming down, being centered and enjoying the re-gift that is there for all of us to enjoy.....It doesn't take a bunch of time either, so don't say you don't have the time.....The wonderous gifts are all around.... even in the walk to your car in the morning, the walk back to your house from your car when you get home, the minutes you spend at traffic lights each day, children playing in their school playgrounds.......Look around boys and girls....there are lots and lots of marvelous and beautiful things to see and enjoy.....and remember to BREATHE.......Hugs, Gommy
When we take the time to breathe and to notice all that nature (God) has given us....we are giving ourselves the greatest gift.....or re-gifting what God has given to us all. Just calming the mind and allowing ourselves to 'not think' is a release of so many toxic thoughts that we tell ourselves every day. Over 90% of what we tell ourselves in our mind ('monkey-talk') is negative thoughts. YIKES.....stop it boys and girls. You are killing yourselves. Stress kills and by being so negative with your thoughts, you are providing hours and hours of stressful thoughts to occupy your thought processes. How about thinking something pleasant or joyful? There are plenty of those memories in your memory bank....Pull those out sometimes.
If you take every opportunity that comes your way to notice and commune with nature by witnessing the intelligence within every living thing, (and there are many) i.e. stopping at a traffic light and noticing the breeze gently moving a branch on a tree, waiting for an appointment and really noticing the leaves on the potted plant in the corner, going outside to your car to go to work and appreciating the green grass in the yard, coming home from work (even if it is late at night....when was the last time you looked up into the sky and noticed the beautiful twinkling stars or the gorgeous moon?) etc........ If you take the time, you will notice the beautiful sunrises or sunsets, birds flying gracefully in the sky, ponds, the sounds of a rippling stream, the ocean, the pretty landscaped yard you pass each day on your way to and from places, or smell the beautiful fragrance of a flower......even listening to the beautiful music on your radio. How magical is that? All these things are all around us each day and most of us never 'stop' to notice them. How sad.
If you were able to ask someone who has a terminal illness if they notice any of these things, you would surely be told that they most assuredly do. They will tell you that they took all of these things for granted when they thought they would be around for a long time too, but when you are told you don't have long to live......all of a sudden, you start to notice the beauty all around you and are astonished that you didn't notice it all before and wish you had longer to enjoy it.
The same holds true as we age. We realize our own mortality and know that our years left are a lot shorter than the years we have already lived. Goms thinks that is why grandchildren are such a joy to us. We get the chance to relive the pure and unadulterated bliss that is in each child. We were too busy with our own family to enjoy them as we wish we had. We begin to enjoy all the simple things in life and know what is and what isn't important in the grand scheme of things. We re-gift many things to ourselves again and one of the most important gifts is the gift on 'non-judgement'. We see that we become more invisible as we age and although we feel the same as when we were young (mostly...) we are not 'in charge' any longer and even seem to be dismissed as insignificant to some younger people. We may remember our own ideas about how we thought of older people when we were young and know now, that our 'judgements' can change with time and circumstance and that judging others really gets you nowhere. Comparing ourselves to others or what other people have or don't have or how we look or don't look compared to others is fruitless and really is a wasted effort.
Now this part may seem very deep......but try not to 'name' anything or anyone that you see for a whole day. For example.....if you just say 'that is a tree' or 'that is a bird' or 'that is an old person'....you have dismissed and grouped an entire species or part of nature and are not allowing yourself to really observe who or what that bird, tree or old person actually is or is all about. There are Blue Jays, Parakeets, Doves, and so on. But try thinking to yourself, "That is called a bird.", instead of saying that IS a bird. The moment you group a collection of anything together, you have dismissed it and moved on; not allowing yourself or observing and enjoying the magic or pure potentiality of it or them.
If you can commue with nature and enjoy all there is around you to enjoy, you are aligning with the power that manifests everything in nature....GOD....and you will feel yourself calming down, being centered and enjoying the re-gift that is there for all of us to enjoy.....It doesn't take a bunch of time either, so don't say you don't have the time.....The wonderous gifts are all around.... even in the walk to your car in the morning, the walk back to your house from your car when you get home, the minutes you spend at traffic lights each day, children playing in their school playgrounds.......Look around boys and girls....there are lots and lots of marvelous and beautiful things to see and enjoy.....and remember to BREATHE.......Hugs, Gommy
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Soooo Many Thoughts....
Gommy usually hears something, reads something or has a feeling come over me that later becomes a 'Gommy's Goody' blog. This week they seem to be coming in from every angle imaginable.
First, Goms heard someone talking about how that, even in the face of adversity, there is always something to take away from the experience that will help us in the long run.....if we are able to 'learn the lesson' we are supposed to be learning from the lesson. Goms heard of one man who said that because of an illness that took his tongue, jaw and most of his mouth away, he could no longer eat food in the usual way the rest of us do and take for granted several times a day. He said that when he sees a food now that looks so delicious to him, he is immediately reminded of a time he enjoyed that food with someone very special to him. He can recall the exact time, occasion or place he enjoyed that repast. His ability to taste food may be gone but God replaced that lost pleasure with a vivid memory of a time spent with someone he loved and maybe is no longer alive. And he can now relive that experience over and over again. I'll take a visit with my departed loved ones or a past holiday meal spent with them any day over a piece of fried chicken!
Then Goms was thinking about how so many times in our lives we take for granted that we will always be around and we do some foolish things that may take away our precious time here on Earth. Or we are careless with our friends or family members and assume they will always be there for us. The reality is that there are no 'do-overs' in life. Once it is said, done or the 'bridge has been burned'.....there is no going back, or taking it back...just the realization that what's done is done and we just have to learn to live with it. But how we live with it (react), also affects the rest of our life. Never miss the opportunity to tell your friends and family that you love them....it may just be the last time you get to tell them.
Another poignant statement that hit Goms this week was from a Facebook profile statement...it said something about steering clear of the three 'N's' ......that would be the negative, the needy and the nasty types of people.....How true is that???? How uncomfortable is it to be around those types of people? They are usually the 'it's all about me' types anyway and it can become very tedious over time to associate with the self-absorbed person who never really listens to anyone else...because they are too obsessed about themselves to care about you. Who needs to be hanging around those types anyhow??? My mother always said that God gave us two ears and one mouth for a reason.....You must listen to someone intently if you are going to ever understand them. If you are constantly talking over people...you won't ever be 'getting it' or 'them'. And all the while, you will be wondering why you don't connect with people....DUH!
Then, this week Gommy received a gift for my daughter Tiffanys' birthday. Tiffany died 17 years ago but she touched so many people in the short 17 years she lived that it amazes Goms. That is until I realize it is my Tiff that I'm talking about. The gift was from Tiffany's art teacher, Carla Stiles. Carla has NEVER missed a birthday, to send me an angel -related gift and a card saying "Happy Birthday Tiff" and that it is another year without our sunshine girl. Can you believe that someone made such an impression on someone that they are never forgotten in all these years? Well, sadly, you didn't know my Tiff. It says volumes about the wonderful woman Carla Stiles is as well. Each year, it makes a very sad day a little brighter for Goms to know someone who knew Tiff and loved her, is remembering her along with me.
So, peeps....remember that you may not think it is much of a big deal to do something nice for someone.....or that someone may just need to have you listen to them instead of talking over them about your own woes....or realize that everyone is having their own crisis or troubles and may just need a kind word or an 'ear', instead of your judgement of them. But it really is all about all of us. We are all connected and the way we 'handle' each other and our circumstances and situations is like an eddy in a pond. It ripples outward and touches everyone else. And also, remember Karma....what you dish out WILL come back to you...either in the way of good things or bad things. Personally, Goms prefers the good stuff!
So be nice to each other boys and girls.....you may be in need of a shoulder, a helping hand or a kind word some day.....Reap and Sow.....Reap and Sow.....Reap and Sow....Gommy is pulling for you...Hugs to all.......
First, Goms heard someone talking about how that, even in the face of adversity, there is always something to take away from the experience that will help us in the long run.....if we are able to 'learn the lesson' we are supposed to be learning from the lesson. Goms heard of one man who said that because of an illness that took his tongue, jaw and most of his mouth away, he could no longer eat food in the usual way the rest of us do and take for granted several times a day. He said that when he sees a food now that looks so delicious to him, he is immediately reminded of a time he enjoyed that food with someone very special to him. He can recall the exact time, occasion or place he enjoyed that repast. His ability to taste food may be gone but God replaced that lost pleasure with a vivid memory of a time spent with someone he loved and maybe is no longer alive. And he can now relive that experience over and over again. I'll take a visit with my departed loved ones or a past holiday meal spent with them any day over a piece of fried chicken!
Then Goms was thinking about how so many times in our lives we take for granted that we will always be around and we do some foolish things that may take away our precious time here on Earth. Or we are careless with our friends or family members and assume they will always be there for us. The reality is that there are no 'do-overs' in life. Once it is said, done or the 'bridge has been burned'.....there is no going back, or taking it back...just the realization that what's done is done and we just have to learn to live with it. But how we live with it (react), also affects the rest of our life. Never miss the opportunity to tell your friends and family that you love them....it may just be the last time you get to tell them.
Another poignant statement that hit Goms this week was from a Facebook profile statement...it said something about steering clear of the three 'N's' ......that would be the negative, the needy and the nasty types of people.....How true is that???? How uncomfortable is it to be around those types of people? They are usually the 'it's all about me' types anyway and it can become very tedious over time to associate with the self-absorbed person who never really listens to anyone else...because they are too obsessed about themselves to care about you. Who needs to be hanging around those types anyhow??? My mother always said that God gave us two ears and one mouth for a reason.....You must listen to someone intently if you are going to ever understand them. If you are constantly talking over people...you won't ever be 'getting it' or 'them'. And all the while, you will be wondering why you don't connect with people....DUH!
Then, this week Gommy received a gift for my daughter Tiffanys' birthday. Tiffany died 17 years ago but she touched so many people in the short 17 years she lived that it amazes Goms. That is until I realize it is my Tiff that I'm talking about. The gift was from Tiffany's art teacher, Carla Stiles. Carla has NEVER missed a birthday, to send me an angel -related gift and a card saying "Happy Birthday Tiff" and that it is another year without our sunshine girl. Can you believe that someone made such an impression on someone that they are never forgotten in all these years? Well, sadly, you didn't know my Tiff. It says volumes about the wonderful woman Carla Stiles is as well. Each year, it makes a very sad day a little brighter for Goms to know someone who knew Tiff and loved her, is remembering her along with me.
So, peeps....remember that you may not think it is much of a big deal to do something nice for someone.....or that someone may just need to have you listen to them instead of talking over them about your own woes....or realize that everyone is having their own crisis or troubles and may just need a kind word or an 'ear', instead of your judgement of them. But it really is all about all of us. We are all connected and the way we 'handle' each other and our circumstances and situations is like an eddy in a pond. It ripples outward and touches everyone else. And also, remember Karma....what you dish out WILL come back to you...either in the way of good things or bad things. Personally, Goms prefers the good stuff!
So be nice to each other boys and girls.....you may be in need of a shoulder, a helping hand or a kind word some day.....Reap and Sow.....Reap and Sow.....Reap and Sow....Gommy is pulling for you...Hugs to all.......
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