It is Sunday again and the day itself usually makes one think of spiritual musings and it started Gommy to thinking about spiritual things herself. We often hear the word 'Blessings' when we are in church and I wonder how many of us really think of the word and how powerful it is. Blessings are a gift from our maker. It is 'divine grace' that we are given our Blessings and it is something that we didn't earn (or couldn't earn because it doesn't 'work' that way!).
Gommy and Grandpa Mike spent time with part of our families yesterday. My daughter and her children and Grandpas' son and family. Gommys' grandchildren from my son, live on the West Coast of Florida, and we didn't get to see them this time, but we are Blessed to see them more often now that we are back in South Florida. And thanks to the Internet, emails and now Facebook, we are in touch much more and that is a real Blessing as well.
Gommy thinks that when we are Blessed with usually started with merely 'wanting' something and it was 'given' know as in 'ask and you shall receive'...Gommy is pretty sure that is all you have to do to receive what you ask for.....Now, people may say that they want stuff all the time and they don't get it....But there is a catch.....Now don't go saying, "Ah-Ha...I knew it!" It is really quite simple. Most of us think of something we want and immediately cancel it out....Don't believe me???? How about the people you hear saying, "I wish I could win the lottery............but I'm not lucky." BAM.......canceled.....or "I hope 'Bob" calls me....but I know he won't." BAM...canceled. Or, "I hope I get the job........but the girl who came in for the job just before me will probably get it." BAM...canceled. Or "I wish I could feel better but I am always sick." BAM...canceled. You get the picture here? The most important word in our vocabulary when we are wishing, asking or hoping for something is the word 'BUT". All the word 'but' does is cancel out the previous thought. Sooooooo, quit using it.....Just state what you want, wish or hope for and focus on that and don't let any booga-boos creep into your thought processes and you will be on the right track to getting (receiving) what you 'ask' for.
The most important thing to do when you do receive something you asked for is to be grateful for it and say you are grateful for it and for all of your Blessings. Too many times you see people who have 'fallen from Grace' and you wonder what happened to them. Movie stars come to mind right now for Gommy. Gommy thinks they forgot that they were 'given' whatever wonderful thing was happening in their life and what ever talent they possess and they took it for granted and it was snatched away from them....Lesson.....Don't take anyone or anything for granted because you may find that one day they or it are no longer in your life.
But (there's that word again) back to happier thoughts...just take today or any Sunday or any day to realize all of your Blessings and to give thanks. It's really just that easy. Have a splendiferous week.....Hugs, Gommy ((*.*))

Sunday, August 30, 2009
Saturday, August 29, 2009
'Family' seems to have mutated (an ugly word for an ugly development) into people who live in different parts of the country or who we just lose track of for reasons of time, locale and/or rifts. It is a shame that families can't be pure of heart like our children. There is nothing like family. When a rift happens to tear a family apart, it is often over money. Either someone borrowed some and didn't repay it back, or one of the members of the family has a bunch of money and the other member has too little and that is when jealousies can fester. Sometimes it is money that parents left after they have passed. You get the drift here, don't you? Maybe that is where the proverb that "Money is the root of all evil." came from. The real proverb is; "The love of money is the root of all evil." What Gommy thinks that may mean is that if you love money more than a person....that is evil. Not evil in the moral or beastly sense of the word but evil in the definition; "As it brings unhappiness of a being or deprives a being of any good." Money can come and go but you cannot buy family or happiness.
Family should stick together and help each other out when possible. We should always help anyone that is in need but there is an extra element when it comes to your family. Sometimes a particular person in the family makes it very difficult to help them.....but that is usually exactly the person that needs the help the most. If we just turn our backs on them....they are really lost to us and to themselves.
So Gommy wants to say how grateful I am for my family. None of us are perfect....but it sure brings some warmth to the cockles of your heart to know you have and are part of a family. Forgiveness is the first step in giving yourself a very nice gift....maybe a member of the family that needs you just as much as you need them is waiting for a hug.......Let's all have a group hug now....let's sing "Kumbaya....Kumbaya"....there isn't that nice now???
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Enough is Enough!
Gommy wants to talk about excesses today......excess of things mostly. Since Gommy and Grandpa Mike have fallen into found themselves in the 'have-not' column of life instead of the 'haves' (monetarily speaking only) has become abundantly (pun intended) clear that it is quite possible to live without all the trappings of what society thinks is needed to survive.
Just the other day, Gommy was in the grocery store and every time an impulse (that is also a ploy that is cleverly used by companies to make you 'impulsively' buy their product) to buy something arose, Gommy asked herself the question..."Do you need that or just want it?" It turned out that most times it was a 'want' and not a 'need' item. When you don't have a credit card to fall back on to purchase something, you choose more wisely. We definitely live in an 'instant gratification' culture today. You see children have absolute meltdowns when they are told 'no'......and it is scary to say, but adults have the same meltdowns, they just hide them with the ability to have a little or a lot of 'retail therapy' that is unnecessary.
After moving for the second time in a year....(yeah I know!) it became obvious that Gommy could possibly be considered an impulse buyer AND a hoarder.....whew....there I said it! Grandpa was very gentle at first as the boxes were mounting up and it was becoming evident that the new place only had a certain number of square feet to put the 'stuff' in....then Grandpa became a little grumpy and asked, in no uncertain terms...."Where in the heck are you going to put all this stuff that you haven't used in the last year since we moved it before?" That was a wake-up call for Gommy. At first, in a state of panic, Gommy tried to think of how to keep all the 'stuff'. Another storage unit? No, we did that already and after nine months of paying storage, put all the boxes of 'stuff' in our apartment. So many boxes that it looked like we WERE the storage unit now...... Soooooooooo, Gommy just gave the extra 'stuff' away. Some of it went to a woman who was getting a different kind of job and needed dress clothes and dress shoes .....Hey, Gommy had plenty of dress clothes and dress shoes that she doesn't use anymore....poof....gone....Then there were boxes and boxes of very good kitchen pots, pans, dishes, gadgets.....(yes boxes...I know!) that Grandpa gave to a man at his work....poof...gone...The man later told us that he shared all the 'stuff' with several families and they were very grateful to get it.....The moral here is that you can only use so much 'stuff' wear so much 'stuff' and eat so much 'stuff'....after that you are officially a 'hoarder'....admit hoard. Many of us hoard...Get over is really cathartic after you FORCE yourself purge all the 'stuff' you don't REALLY need. And you get a feel really good about yourself for helping people out. I know! Amazing.....
As for doing things that don't cost anything....Gommy and Grandpa have become the 'Grand-Poo-Pa's' of doing thingson the cheap frugally. Did you know that you can go to the beach and bring a cooler of drinks and a few snacks for close to no money at all??? I know...amazing! Did you know that you can watch regular cable and not get all the extra packages and still be entertained??? Did you know that you can plan your day or your week so that you do your errands in an order or in group locations that don't waste gas? I know...amazing!....Did you know that you can make wonderful memories with your grandkids by just reading them a story or making one up??? I know! Amazing.....
Gommy thinks the best thing that ever happened to her and Grandpa was to become the 'have-nots' because it brought a whole new dimension to 'living happily ever after'.....Realizing that talking to each other instead of trying to go somewhere or do something to be enterained is really more rewarding.... That cooking a meal at home that costs pennies a serving instead of gobs of dollars at a restaurant is smarter and tastes pretty good too....That making memories instead of making mounds of 'stuff' that you really don't need, will last much longer and be more gratifying in the scheme of things.... And that simplicity is more relaxing than having to keep an eye on your 'too much stuff'. Try it, it works. I know!!!!
Just the other day, Gommy was in the grocery store and every time an impulse (that is also a ploy that is cleverly used by companies to make you 'impulsively' buy their product) to buy something arose, Gommy asked herself the question..."Do you need that or just want it?" It turned out that most times it was a 'want' and not a 'need' item. When you don't have a credit card to fall back on to purchase something, you choose more wisely. We definitely live in an 'instant gratification' culture today. You see children have absolute meltdowns when they are told 'no'......and it is scary to say, but adults have the same meltdowns, they just hide them with the ability to have a little or a lot of 'retail therapy' that is unnecessary.
After moving for the second time in a year....(yeah I know!) it became obvious that Gommy could possibly be considered an impulse buyer AND a hoarder.....whew....there I said it! Grandpa was very gentle at first as the boxes were mounting up and it was becoming evident that the new place only had a certain number of square feet to put the 'stuff' in....then Grandpa became a little grumpy and asked, in no uncertain terms...."Where in the heck are you going to put all this stuff that you haven't used in the last year since we moved it before?" That was a wake-up call for Gommy. At first, in a state of panic, Gommy tried to think of how to keep all the 'stuff'. Another storage unit? No, we did that already and after nine months of paying storage, put all the boxes of 'stuff' in our apartment. So many boxes that it looked like we WERE the storage unit now...... Soooooooooo, Gommy just gave the extra 'stuff' away. Some of it went to a woman who was getting a different kind of job and needed dress clothes and dress shoes .....Hey, Gommy had plenty of dress clothes and dress shoes that she doesn't use anymore....poof....gone....Then there were boxes and boxes of very good kitchen pots, pans, dishes, gadgets.....(yes boxes...I know!) that Grandpa gave to a man at his work....poof...gone...The man later told us that he shared all the 'stuff' with several families and they were very grateful to get it.....The moral here is that you can only use so much 'stuff' wear so much 'stuff' and eat so much 'stuff'....after that you are officially a 'hoarder'....admit hoard. Many of us hoard...Get over is really cathartic after you FORCE yourself purge all the 'stuff' you don't REALLY need. And you get a feel really good about yourself for helping people out. I know! Amazing.....
As for doing things that don't cost anything....Gommy and Grandpa have become the 'Grand-Poo-Pa's' of doing things
Gommy thinks the best thing that ever happened to her and Grandpa was to become the 'have-nots' because it brought a whole new dimension to 'living happily ever after'.....Realizing that talking to each other instead of trying to go somewhere or do something to be enterained is really more rewarding.... That cooking a meal at home that costs pennies a serving instead of gobs of dollars at a restaurant is smarter and tastes pretty good too....That making memories instead of making mounds of 'stuff' that you really don't need, will last much longer and be more gratifying in the scheme of things.... And that simplicity is more relaxing than having to keep an eye on your 'too much stuff'. Try it, it works. I know!!!!
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Rest and Relaxation
Gommy and Grandpa Mike had a very nice time at a beautiful resort this weekend. It is Pelican Grand Hotel & Resort in Fort Lauderdale. If anyone is looking to have a 'stay-cation', this is the place.....It is like a 'mini-Grand' as in the Grand Hotel in Mackinac Island, Michigan. The staff is so gracious and friendly that you think you are back in the old days when it was mandatory to treat the customer as if they were actually welcomed.....What a concept!!!
With the economy being what it is, more people are opting for 'stay-cations' and Gommy and Grandpa Mike are sure glad they live in paradise already.... our 'stay-cation' is very easy to take....When the time came to check out of the resort, Gommy made a comment that it was time to get back to 'reality'....but after thinking about it for a minute.....Gommy realized that her and Grandpas' 'reality' is pretty nice too!!! It is not too hard to come back to our reality.....thank you God....
Everyone needs to take a break sometimes. It recharges the old batteries, so to speak! It also allows you to take a look at how much you have been keeping your nose to the grindstone lately and realize that you must take a breath and take time to smell the roses, coffee or whatever it is that you like to smell....ha,ha!
Our daughter and little grands came to visit for lunch and a swim in the lazy river and pool. Samantha shared a milkshake with Grandpa too. How special is that? Rest, relaxation and being with family while you are enjoying yourself......
So, Gommy sincerely hopes all you blog-friends out there get to recharge your batteries when you need to. It sure does make you feel refreshed and ready to go some more.....
Friday, August 21, 2009
Hello out there in blog-land. Today, Gommy wants to talk about what power means and what it means to different people. The definition of power has three ways to parse the etymology of the word. Power can be used as a noun i.e. the ability to produce an effect, or as a verb i.e. to supply with power as in 'to give impetus' to or as an adjective i.e. describing, as in a 'power lunch' or 'power locks' on a car.
Gommy thinks when most people think of the word 'power', they think of 'might' as in the 'power or ability and resources weilded by an individual or company', etc., to make something happen. That is definitely one way to think of the word 'power'. But along with that thinking often comes a false feeling that the person weilding the 'power' is also entitled (or that they don't have to earn what they are seeking) because they are the 'haves' and not the 'have-nots'. The only difference in the two circumstances is usually money and money can go as quickly as it came. Just ask all those zillion-aires who got scammed by the Ponzi Scheme recently.
Powerful people can be kind and generous or they can be very unkind and obnoxious and down-right miserly. You can tell the true mettle of a person, not by how much money they have, but by how they treat the other people who share time and space with them. It is easy to be cheerful and generous when things are going great guns.....but when things are falling down all around you and you are having a tough go at it......not so much. But if you can still be pleasant and respectful to others and not take out your ills on everyone else....then you have the 'power' to feel great about yourself. We all have the 'power' to control how we react to circumstances. There are such divergent disconnects in the world of the powerful and the powerless that it can be hard to navigate and 'not get any on you' if you aren't careful.
When you can realize that how much you have doesn't equate to how well you have it.....then by do have it!!! Is this too obscure for Gommys' blog-friends? Well, what Gommy means is that what you do with your life and how you treat people is far more important than how many 'toys' you have. You will get a much better feeling about yourself when you do something nice for someone than if you buy yourself another doo-dad.
So, the thought for the day is: Be something nice.....act nicely.....and guess what? You will have a nice day!!! Toodle-ooooo - Gommy is just going to sit "on the dock of her home" and coast......((*.*))
Gommy thinks when most people think of the word 'power', they think of 'might' as in the 'power or ability and resources weilded by an individual or company', etc., to make something happen. That is definitely one way to think of the word 'power'. But along with that thinking often comes a false feeling that the person weilding the 'power' is also entitled (or that they don't have to earn what they are seeking) because they are the 'haves' and not the 'have-nots'. The only difference in the two circumstances is usually money and money can go as quickly as it came. Just ask all those zillion-aires who got scammed by the Ponzi Scheme recently.
Powerful people can be kind and generous or they can be very unkind and obnoxious and down-right miserly. You can tell the true mettle of a person, not by how much money they have, but by how they treat the other people who share time and space with them. It is easy to be cheerful and generous when things are going great guns.....but when things are falling down all around you and you are having a tough go at it......not so much. But if you can still be pleasant and respectful to others and not take out your ills on everyone else....then you have the 'power' to feel great about yourself. We all have the 'power' to control how we react to circumstances. There are such divergent disconnects in the world of the powerful and the powerless that it can be hard to navigate and 'not get any on you' if you aren't careful.
When you can realize that how much you have doesn't equate to how well you have it.....then by do have it!!! Is this too obscure for Gommys' blog-friends? Well, what Gommy means is that what you do with your life and how you treat people is far more important than how many 'toys' you have. You will get a much better feeling about yourself when you do something nice for someone than if you buy yourself another doo-dad.
So, the thought for the day is: Be something nice.....act nicely.....and guess what? You will have a nice day!!! Toodle-ooooo - Gommy is just going to sit "on the dock of her home" and coast......((*.*))
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Hi there fellow bloggers.....Gommy has been doing quite a bit of reflecting lately. Gommy can see where moving can be a traumatic event in a persons' life. Just going through albums of pictures, gives you a chance to look back at where you have been, what you have done and just how much of your precious life you have used.....or in some instances 'used up'. But there are plenty of good memories in those albums as well. You have to focus on the happy times if you want those 'feel good-warm and fuzzy' feelings to envelope you.
There was a piece a friend sent Gommy in an email once that is so touching that Gommy goes back and listens and watches it often. It has so many things that ring true in my life and I bet would ring true in most peoples' lives. It says that when a door closes, a window opens but sadly, most people are so focused on the door closing that they don't recognize the wonderful things that await them if they just look out the opened window. Remember, that your future happiness sometimes depends on leaving your past behind.
That can be a hard thing to do sometimes if your past involves people you lost. You can miss them so much that it actually hurts your heart and soul. But remembering the wonderful times you had with them and celebrating the times you were fortunate enough to have had them in your life will ease the pain.
Life IS beautiful and we have to remember to encourage those who are feeling down or defeated or have just lost their way. We have all probably felt that way at least once or twice in our lives. If you can leave a mark on someones' life (in a good way) then you are on the right path of what we are expected to do in this lifetime. But you must also remember that we are all supposed to feel good. We came to this life experience to learn lessons and to FEEL GOOD. Just make sure you aren't hurting someone else while you are feeling good and things will be copacetic (okie-dokie).
Remember too, that the luckiest of people may not always have the 'best' of things.....they just appreciate and are happy for the things they do have. Don't worry if someone doesn't like what you do or have. If you try to make someone else happy instead of yourself....helloooooo....your are going down the wrong stream. You can actually make yourself sick trying to 'keep up with the Joneses'. Think about it....disease is when you are sick right? The word itself tells you volumes....DIS- ease. If you aren't feeling comfortable about something, you are not at ease......DIS-eased.....Get it????? So stop it! Gommy says.... ;)
For the special people in your lives, make sure you let them know, while they are still around, how much they mean to you. This past Christmas, Gommy got Grandpa a plaque that says it all for her...."You may be just one person to the world...but to are the world." Appearances are often false, so don't assume someone or anyone has it better than you do. You don't know what is going on in their life that you may not want to trade your life experiences for.
That's it for today boys and girls.....just try to be happy and thankful for what you have and for the people in your lives and more happiness will come your way. No grump-buckets allowed!!! :( - ((*.*))
There was a piece a friend sent Gommy in an email once that is so touching that Gommy goes back and listens and watches it often. It has so many things that ring true in my life and I bet would ring true in most peoples' lives. It says that when a door closes, a window opens but sadly, most people are so focused on the door closing that they don't recognize the wonderful things that await them if they just look out the opened window. Remember, that your future happiness sometimes depends on leaving your past behind.
That can be a hard thing to do sometimes if your past involves people you lost. You can miss them so much that it actually hurts your heart and soul. But remembering the wonderful times you had with them and celebrating the times you were fortunate enough to have had them in your life will ease the pain.
Life IS beautiful and we have to remember to encourage those who are feeling down or defeated or have just lost their way. We have all probably felt that way at least once or twice in our lives. If you can leave a mark on someones' life (in a good way) then you are on the right path of what we are expected to do in this lifetime. But you must also remember that we are all supposed to feel good. We came to this life experience to learn lessons and to FEEL GOOD. Just make sure you aren't hurting someone else while you are feeling good and things will be copacetic (okie-dokie).
Remember too, that the luckiest of people may not always have the 'best' of things.....they just appreciate and are happy for the things they do have. Don't worry if someone doesn't like what you do or have. If you try to make someone else happy instead of yourself....helloooooo....your are going down the wrong stream. You can actually make yourself sick trying to 'keep up with the Joneses'. Think about it....disease is when you are sick right? The word itself tells you volumes....DIS- ease. If you aren't feeling comfortable about something, you are not at ease......DIS-eased.....Get it????? So stop it! Gommy says.... ;)
For the special people in your lives, make sure you let them know, while they are still around, how much they mean to you. This past Christmas, Gommy got Grandpa a plaque that says it all for her...."You may be just one person to the world...but to are the world." Appearances are often false, so don't assume someone or anyone has it better than you do. You don't know what is going on in their life that you may not want to trade your life experiences for.
That's it for today boys and girls.....just try to be happy and thankful for what you have and for the people in your lives and more happiness will come your way. No grump-buckets allowed!!! :( - ((*.*))
Sunday, August 16, 2009
New Beginnings

Ahhhhhhhh, another glorious Sunday. At one time, Gommy used to dread Sundays. There never seemed to be anything to do on Sunday. Wow, has that ever changed now that Gommy is a bit 'longer in the tooth'. Now, there doesn't seem to be enough time in the weeks or months, never mind just a Sunday to be idle.
Today will be a beautiful day on the beach and then work tonight. Yesterday was the first day in ten days that Gommy didn't have to go into her job and it took all of the day and most of the night to get the new apartment in some sort of order. There were pictures to be hung, 'stuff' that had to find a new place in the new place, sorting out of the 'stuff', pitching out some more of the 'stuff' to make room for the 'stuff' we did get the picture. But it is finally looking like a home now and we (that would be Grandpa and Gommy) LOVE it at our new home. The universe even helped by making it a rainy day that didn't allow Gommy to feel as if she was missing out going to the beach.
New beginnings are usually quite exciting and wonderful. This move was one of those wonderful and exciting events for Gommy and Grandpa. We feel as if we are finally 'home' now. I told our apartment manager (Susie) that the complex reminds me of the TV show that was on in the 80's called "Melrose Place." Our two-story complex has 6 or 7 units with a pool right in the center just like Melrose Place had. I used to watch that show 'religiously'. Susie laughed when I told her that and her response was, "It reminds me of Hellrose Place". I'm sure that is because she has to manage the place and all the characters that rent here who come and go and have come and gone throughout the years. You have to be a sort of 'police' about the noise people make, parking spots, visitors, swimming pools hours, etc. When you 'police' anything or anyone, you can come across some icky (that is a technical term for unpleasant) situations when you have to tell someone they are doing something that isn't allowed. You have to be a special type of person that can get along with all sorts of 'characters' when you are in charge of units that people make their home and usually feel they can do anything they want just because it is 'home' even though it is technically owned by someone else. Gommy and Grandpa don't have a problem with rules. We are from a generation from a long time ago in a far away place..........oh, that is a movie....but we do go way back to a time when you followed the rules and stayed inside the lines.
Oh, I forgot to mention that Susie had a welcome dinner for Grandpa and me that was the bomb-diggity best pot roast dinner and twice baked potatoes with broccoli and salad that Gommy has had in ages.....Thank you Susie ((*.*))
So today will be another day to be grateful. Grateful for a loving, caring and special hubby to spend the day with and go to the beach with and have to talk to about everything in our lives or maybe just nothing at all. Just sitting on the beach and being grateful for each other.
Gommy found that one of the best parts about this move is that it made Gommy go through her 'stuff'. A lot of the 'stuff' is pictures Now, I don't mean a few pictures.....I'm talking gobs, zillions, volumes and albums and albums of pictures. Gommy had many good cries and many good laughs and many reminders of what a good life Gommy has had while she was going through the tomes of pictures. Some times people forget where they came from and cast people aside when they aren't convenient to their life any longer or they don't fit into their lifestyle anymore, but when Gommy looked at some of the vacations, her own growing up years, the growing up years of her children, the many get-togethers with friends and family and on and on, it made me realize just how good Gommy did have it all of my far. Gommy hopes she had a part in making some good memories for some, if not all, of the people who crossed her life. That is what it is all about isn't it? Leaving this world a better place than it was when you entered it.
Oh, about the boys (our heroes) that came to our rescue and helped us move...........Grandpa did make arrangements for them to play a complimentary round of golf in the morning and then took them to the Miami Dolphin training camp and they sat in the V.I.P area and enjoyed free food and drink and got to meet several celebrity football players and then they came down to where Gommy works and had a free dinner at a beautiful restaurant right on the beach. The free dinner at the beach was because after they moved us in our apartment last week, Grandpa brought them to Gommys' work and treated them to the best milkshakes on the planet and when they were going back to their car, a poor waitress from the above mentioned restaurant, was in a fix because she found that she had a flat tire. Now, as you can imagine, changing a tire in the humid ( Florida evening after having moved an entire household of furniture and the belongings of some pretty new acquaintances, is probably the very last thing they wanted to do...........but remember now, these are heroes. They did indeed change the tire and the waitress told them to come in Friday and she would treat them to dinner.........See, Gommy told you all about good Karma......It does happen and it does work. When you can find your way to doing something nice for someone and really want to do it, not do it just because you feel that you HAVE to do it as a some sort of 'duty', good things come back to you.
Gommy hopes all you bloggers out there have someone or something to feel grateful for today. Bless your hearts.....think now....there are plenty of things out there to feel grateful about.......just start thinking and you will come up with bunches.....I promise! Have a glorious week now boys and girls.....Hugs & Mush, Love Gommy ((*.*))
Friday, August 14, 2009
It's a New Day...It's a New Place...Yah !!!!
Gommy has been missing from action lately....not the action of working...that, Gommy has been doing plenty of..but writing on my blog has been put on the back burner to allow for moving.....UGH.....But Grandpa and Gommy are finally able to see the light the end of the tunnel now. There are a few more boxes to open and some 'decorating' to do, but we are officially moved in and lovin' it!!! During this move, Gommy has learned that all of the human race really isn't going to 'hell in a hand-basket'. The apartment Grandpa and Gommy just left had 4 guys from out of state, that were staying there temporarily for a work assignment and they actually moved us to our new apartment. All of our furniture and junk in some very hot and humid Florida weather and then they put together some furniture for us when we arrived at our new apartment....They were virtual strangers, if you count that we only just met them a few months ago. What wonderful guys. And they didn't expect anything back from us in return for doing us such a huge favor. What they did do for themselves though is create some 'instant Karma'....some very good 'instant Karma". That is some really big character. Gommy firmly believes that what goes around, comes around. Grandpa is always doing something nice for people and he never expects anything in return. HELLOOOOOOO....
Now Grandpa is taking the guys (my heroes) to the Miami Dolphin Training Camp today and he has set up a real treat for them.....Food and drink on the house and they get to see the 'boys' do the stuff 'boys' like to watch!!! But first, Grandpa arraigned for them to play golf (for free) where Grandpa works....That ought to show them how much we appreciate how generous they were with their time and brawn. I hope so anyway.
Now back to our new place, (Gommy just loves saying that). Did Gommy mention that I love it???? Well, I LOVE IT...We are right on the intracoastal waterway of Fort Lauderdale.....WOW, are we blessed. We get to enjoy the same upscale, gorgeous, luxurious, peaceful views the homeowners all around us are enjoying, but we are doing it for the price of rent......and not having to pay the taxes and whatever else comes along with owning million-dollar mansions....Thank you homeowners. We appreciate it. And Gommy isn't being smug......we REALLY appreciate it.
Well, it is back to unpacking for Gommy. But expect to be reading more of my blogs when we are completely settled....Be happy out there in blog-land all you girls and boys. You IS a choice. ((*o*)) Hugs & Mush, Gommy
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
What is your personal compass set to?
We all have a personal compass set-point. Be it emotional, moral, career focused......whatever it is, we all have a set-point. What Gommy is getting at is that we sometimes don't get where someone is coming from and just plain don't understand their point of view (their set-point on their compass of life). But life demands that we just let everyone do their own thing and lead their own lives and hopefully there is a place for us in there somewhere. Like the song says...."you can only hold on as tight as they let you..."
Do you ever wish you could help someone through a tough spot but know deep down that everyone needs to go through whatever it is they are going through by themselves? We never learn from other peoples' mistakes....Like the old saying goes..."You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink." What that means is you can show someone the way, but until they are ready to 'learn' what it is that they are supposed to are 'beating a dead horse'....another saying...Gommy is full of em'.
Then there is the person who never seems to appreciate you or your efforts. If it is your boss, you begin to wonder if they really want you to do well because it may make them feel as if they are less in some way. Maybe you are a threat to how they 'think' of themselves and their job. There is always going to be someone who does things better than you but if someone works for you and they really try to do everything they are asked to do, that should be a good thing, right? Then of course, there is the co-worker or even a manager who may be a slacker....when you do a good job and are conscientious about your duties, they try to make you look bad because you are suddenly shining a light on what a poor performance they are giving themselves at work. It can be even more irritating when the boss doesn't seem to notice the slacker but is always pointing out something the conscientious one may have done wrong. Go figure....Gommy says in these sorts of instances it is best to just keep doing your very best at your duties and keep your nose clean and maybe something will come along that will be better for you. Maybe there will be someone that does notice what a great job you are doing and sees you as a valuable prospect for their enterprise....You never know....
As for the moral compass always amazes Gommy how liberal the youngin' are about morality, or lack there of, in the culture of today. Of course I realize that Gommy is 'old school' and back in the day.....we actually wore 'virgin pins' that were sort of our badge of honor.....In today's time, being a virgin is seen as some sort of a plague.....or that you must be a dweeb or something. Golly Gee and Holy Moley.....but I think I like my old days better. You know what they say about why people die when they get old?.........Because they WANT to !!!!!
How moral you are in your every day life may be just as, or maybe even more, important to how you 'roll' ........LOL...........Gommy just used some of the kids lingo.....But having a moral code is very important so you don't justcrap on people do whatever you feel like doing regardless of how it makes others feel.
Well, that is enough soap-boxing for today. Gommy just wants to gently remind everyone that they are not the only people in the universe and to take other people into consideration when youroll do your own thing. Have a happy day kiddies....Hugs, Gommy ((*.*))
Do you ever wish you could help someone through a tough spot but know deep down that everyone needs to go through whatever it is they are going through by themselves? We never learn from other peoples' mistakes....Like the old saying goes..."You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink." What that means is you can show someone the way, but until they are ready to 'learn' what it is that they are supposed to are 'beating a dead horse'....another saying...Gommy is full of em'.
Then there is the person who never seems to appreciate you or your efforts. If it is your boss, you begin to wonder if they really want you to do well because it may make them feel as if they are less in some way. Maybe you are a threat to how they 'think' of themselves and their job. There is always going to be someone who does things better than you but if someone works for you and they really try to do everything they are asked to do, that should be a good thing, right? Then of course, there is the co-worker or even a manager who may be a slacker....when you do a good job and are conscientious about your duties, they try to make you look bad because you are suddenly shining a light on what a poor performance they are giving themselves at work. It can be even more irritating when the boss doesn't seem to notice the slacker but is always pointing out something the conscientious one may have done wrong. Go figure....Gommy says in these sorts of instances it is best to just keep doing your very best at your duties and keep your nose clean and maybe something will come along that will be better for you. Maybe there will be someone that does notice what a great job you are doing and sees you as a valuable prospect for their enterprise....You never know....
As for the moral compass always amazes Gommy how liberal the youngin' are about morality, or lack there of, in the culture of today. Of course I realize that Gommy is 'old school' and back in the day.....we actually wore 'virgin pins' that were sort of our badge of honor.....In today's time, being a virgin is seen as some sort of a plague.....or that you must be a dweeb or something. Golly Gee and Holy Moley.....but I think I like my old days better. You know what they say about why people die when they get old?.........Because they WANT to !!!!!
How moral you are in your every day life may be just as, or maybe even more, important to how you 'roll' ........LOL...........Gommy just used some of the kids lingo.....But having a moral code is very important so you don't just
Well, that is enough soap-boxing for today. Gommy just wants to gently remind everyone that they are not the only people in the universe and to take other people into consideration when you
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Grands - Glorious Grands
Megan & Grandpa Mike
Hey...............guess what? It is Sunday, glorious Sunday again..........where in the heck did this week go? Gommy is happy this Sunday that my granddaughter Megan (from my son Terry who died) came over to visit and she is definitely the 'bomb diggity' (Okay......I stole that from her, LOL). Anywho, I couldn't be more proud of her. She is beautiful, bright and best of all....she is witty. I have always missed Terrys' humor and now I realize he left it in his daughter for me to enjoy! I can see Miss Meggie Pooh (sorry Meg, that is how I will always think of my little Pooh) will go places in this world. She loves to take pictures and she loves to write......hmmmmmmmmm....could she have gotten that from Gommy? But really folks, how cool is it to have a 'friendship' with your teen aged granddaughter? Too cool...that's how cool.
Then I even got to talk with my grandson Terry on Poohs' phone....ahhhhhh life is good. It is so great to be connected to your family. Terry is the sweetest boy.... er man. He is out on his own now and we can only hope he will accomplish all his dreams as well. Gommy is so Blessed to have such great grands......If only I can make sure I am a Blessing to them..........
Grandpa brought Pooh to my work and they had an incredible ice-cream cone and visited Gommys' work. Pooh and Grandpa have always had a very nice connection. Of course, all kids like know what the old saying is....'You can't fool dogs or kids.' And both of those categories have always loved Grandpa.....They can tell he is pure of heart.
So here's hoping all you boys and girls out there in 'blogland' have something and someone to be grateful for this week. There is always something to be grateful for, so don't give Gommy any grief that you don't.............Family and grands are the best. ILY family......Have a good week!!!
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Glorious Abundance
Gommy hasn't written in her blog for a while. Busy, busy, busy. But there is good reason and good news......Grandpa and Gommy found a new home!!!! It is the best of the best. Right on the intercoastal waters of South Florida......we get to look at all the mansions around us and watch the peaceful waters with the yachts going by. We are Blessed. Moving day next Saturday....YAH :) And can you believe 4 new friends who were virtual strangers to us just a few months ago have offered to help us move? Blessed, Blessed, Blessed, Blessed times 4!!!!
That brings Gommy to point out to all you bloggers out there that a day should never go by that you don't count your blessings. If you are only looking at the things that seem wrong with your are writing yourself into a sad, sad movie with you as the star of the show! Gommy prefers to look only for the wonderful, splendiferous and abundance there is in this world. It is everywhere! And it is FREE....Like the piece in the Bible that says, "The Lily's in the field don't worry about how they grow..." (sic) That is what we must remember at all times....The sun will still come up tomorrow and the flowers and the crops will still grow and they will not worry if it is going to rain to give them a drink.....they just GROW. If people would just take the same amount of time they do to gripe and complain about their life and focus on all that is right with their lives.......Gommy thinks a smile just might cross out that frown.
But you must remember one important thing....everything that is going on in your lives right now is a reflection of what you are thinking. If you are thinking foul will be in a foul mood. If you are thinking nice will be in a good mood. Think about when you are looking forward to something. You are smiling inside aren't you? But when you are thinking of something you dread.....not so much. All you have to do to turn that frown upside down is think nice things. It isn't that hard. Even when you are at a stop light and cursing the guy in front of you or complaining in your monkey head about how long the light is taking....there is an opportunity right then to be happy. Just take a look around while you are waiting. There is probably a beautiful tree or some pretty landscape that is close by. There may be a mother and child crossing the street and you can feel the love they may just take the time you are waiting to think of something you are looking forward to or something you just did with the family or friends that was fun.....Switch the grumpy-bug thoughts to something pleasant and you will be amazed at how much better you feel. There is always something to be grateful for.....
So the plan for this week for all you bloggers out there is to look for things to be happy about. They are there. They are just hidden behind your terrible outlook on life. Take a break from the Henny-Penny thinking that the sky is falling. Give yourself a break too.....Everything is just the way it is supposed to be.
That brings Gommy to point out to all you bloggers out there that a day should never go by that you don't count your blessings. If you are only looking at the things that seem wrong with your are writing yourself into a sad, sad movie with you as the star of the show! Gommy prefers to look only for the wonderful, splendiferous and abundance there is in this world. It is everywhere! And it is FREE....Like the piece in the Bible that says, "The Lily's in the field don't worry about how they grow..." (sic) That is what we must remember at all times....The sun will still come up tomorrow and the flowers and the crops will still grow and they will not worry if it is going to rain to give them a drink.....they just GROW. If people would just take the same amount of time they do to gripe and complain about their life and focus on all that is right with their lives.......Gommy thinks a smile just might cross out that frown.
But you must remember one important thing....everything that is going on in your lives right now is a reflection of what you are thinking. If you are thinking foul will be in a foul mood. If you are thinking nice will be in a good mood. Think about when you are looking forward to something. You are smiling inside aren't you? But when you are thinking of something you dread.....not so much. All you have to do to turn that frown upside down is think nice things. It isn't that hard. Even when you are at a stop light and cursing the guy in front of you or complaining in your monkey head about how long the light is taking....there is an opportunity right then to be happy. Just take a look around while you are waiting. There is probably a beautiful tree or some pretty landscape that is close by. There may be a mother and child crossing the street and you can feel the love they may just take the time you are waiting to think of something you are looking forward to or something you just did with the family or friends that was fun.....Switch the grumpy-bug thoughts to something pleasant and you will be amazed at how much better you feel. There is always something to be grateful for.....
So the plan for this week for all you bloggers out there is to look for things to be happy about. They are there. They are just hidden behind your terrible outlook on life. Take a break from the Henny-Penny thinking that the sky is falling. Give yourself a break too.....Everything is just the way it is supposed to be.
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